
Battlefield Scenario Simulation

(Group members: Bobby Rountree, Clifford Brown, Denya Lloyd )

This project presents simulation of Battlefield of Waterloo that was fought on June 18, 1815 (old environment) between French vs. Russian and British armies battling after it finished raining (Very damp and muddy ground).Reconstruction of historical sites is one of the main domains in which VR has been applied extensively for two main reasons. First, what remained from many of these sites is nothing but a tour site with many years of landscape changes. The only way to provide the visitors with views of how the site would look like during 1815 is to recreate scenes from different perspectives and locations of the real site using computers. Secondly, by providing VR tours of a remote site, one can access and view the historical place using his own computer while staying home and without even spending a penny.

View of battlefield with soldiers Animation of a soldier at the enemy gate