COSC 729:Virtual Reality and its Applications
Group Projects, Semester: Spring 2015 (Flyer) |
Project 1: SearchSwarm: A Virtual Reality Game
Students: Kenneth M’Balé,Weeam, and Marvin Conn (Project Report) |

SearchSwarm is a single-user memory game. Pairs of objects are scattered throughout the environment. The objective is to find as many matching objects as possible within a predefined time period. The single player controls one bot and competes against a swarm of bots with the same objective. The automatic bots uses various search strategies to find the pairs of objects. When the game starts, the user can specify the number of bots. A bot automatically begins to search the environment for matching shapes. Under automatic control, each bot follows its own search pattern across the environment. A bot can only see objects within its own field of view. The faster the bot moves, the narrower the field of view. Once sighted, a bot must move close to or collide with the object to touch it.
When a bot finds an object, it must touch it and then touch the matching object, resulting in a match. The touch is done with a mouse click or by colliding into the object. Each match results in the objects vanishing from the environment and a reward chime being sounded. The bot scores one point. When a bot touches an object, a timer begins that allows the bot or the player up to thirty (30) seconds to complete the match. The game ends when all objects are matched or the race timer expires. The winner is the bot with the most points.
Living Room |
Guest room |
Kitchen |
Children Room |
Project 2: Car Racing Game
Students: Swetha Sree, Vanitha Nimmareddy,Mamatha Emireddy,Srikar Reddy Katta (Proj. Report) |

Day View |
For this Car Racing Game, we would like to accomplish a video game imitating the existing games. The race track environment has a sky and terrain with race track on it. User will have option to play either in night mode or in day mode. We have six checkpoints and three laps set in the game. Basically it is six checkpoints in every lap and once player finishes the third lap the game comes to an end. In the game we will have player car and other cars moving. Other cars are the opponent cars which are designed using artificial intelligence. There are certain way points set for the opponent cars to travel along the race track. Colliders are set to the cars so that they behave like actual cars when collision takes place. Once the game finishes it pops up a different screen asking if user wants to play again. |

Night View |
check point and lap system |
Avatars around the track |
Timer |
Project 3: Multi-User evacuation for Computer Science building at BSU
Students: Pranay, Hema, Veda, Naveen (Project Report) |

The goal of this project is to create an emergency scenario with fire and smoke.Also, add Fire trucks, Ambulance which feels like a realistic. The goals of this project are implemented using Sketchup and Unity 3D (Gaming Platform).
Determining and evaluating the characteristics of crowd in emergency situation’s is very hard. To over come this issue the possible way is to create a Virtual Environment that can give a full immersive feel of the situation and allow the user to navigate and communicate in the environment. The Virtual Environment should allow the users to navigate and understand the situation. It is not practical and possible to create a real time emergency situation (Fire/Smoke) keeping participants life at risk. |
Front view of the Computer Science building at BSU |
Implementation of fire and smoke in the building in Unity 3D |
Sketch up design file for first floor |
Sketch up design file for second floor |
Project 4: Escape from Planet Mars: Simulation of a Mars Colony and Evacuation
By:Kourtney Ramseur, Tunde Ballack, Kaifi Jamil, Babatunde Adekoya (Project Report) |
Mars has been the subject of exploration by NASA and other space agencies during the past decade and a perennial interest for futurists, writers, and scientists. More recently there is even speculation about what efforts would be needed to establish a long-term colony of humans on Mars for research purposes. We were inspired by these interests to create the virtual environment for a small Mars colony with futuristic (but plausible) buildings on a Martian landscape with several avatars to represent colonists. For interactivity we decided to set up an evacuation scenario in which the avatars panic and the main user must walk through rooms and hallways of buildings to collect a few key items. Once the user collects the items he has completed the evacuation mission and “wins” the scenario.We used the Vizard IDE to enhance the models and environment with sound files, avatar animations, interactivity of picking up items, sensors, and rewarding the user when he or she successfully finishes the evacuation. |

Project 5: Drive through simulation for starbucks
By:Sarika, Suraj, Narayan Swami (Project Report) |
The goal of this project is to create a drive through simulation for star bucks to be user controlled. The user will control the car movement and he allows the car to start from a point in the city and reach to its destination i.e. starbucks. The user will use the arrow keys to control the forward, backward and side movements. The page up and page down buttons are used to move car forward and backward; while left arrow key and right arrow key allows to turn car left and right. When the car reaches the drive through of starbucks, there will be a sound played for welcome of customer. Then they ask for the order, and then car move to the pick-up window. A sound played for thanking the customer. The overall environment will give a person the feeling of drive through. |
Project 6:Flag Capture
By:Issiaka Kamagate, Jamil Ramsey (Project Report) |
The objective of this game is to capture 5 escaped robots on a college campus. The game will simulate a crowd’s reaction to danger while we try and capture the robots. We used SketchUp to design the environment.
Programming: Vizard software for building, rendering, and deploying the applications. Vizard uses Python for scripting. Avatars have multiple animations like talking, seating, walking and dancing. 8 custom avatars were created using 3D Studio Max. Each avatar has 4 animations. A stand, walk, sit, and run animation.
Project 7:Intrusion acces control for a building simulation
By:Bandar, Alsyat, Girish (Project Report) |
The proposed system’s goal is to have a security access among all the rooms in the environment. Authentications of an authorized person by using a card access is not secured enough. In case of losing or steeling an authorized person’s card, the access will grant to an unauthorized person. So, we proposed a simulated system using sensors along with card control to verify the person identity. The sensor will check the tall of the person based on a stored data. The combination of using both card access and sensors are much secured. And to identify intrusion detection, the proposed system detects the person first by the access card and then by the bio features, like height, weight and facial features. |