

Modeling and simulation of emergency response and hazardous events for aviation safety

-Aircraft Evacuation

Students: Stephen Otunba, Jingxin Han

Status: Current

Modeling the Airplane and the Environment

-Emergency response/Obstacle avoidance in flight: Bird hitting the engine during take-off.
-Emergency landing and aborts
-Evacuation behavior for an airplane.
-Weather turbulence during flight take-off
-Hail, icing, or snow on the flight take off track

-Volcanic plumes coming in the way of flights

Click Here to VIEW AIRPORT (Pilot the airplane by avoiding obstacles)

We also simulate an evacuation behavior in an aircraft using a crowd component. In passed years, there has only 2D simulation and this application can be used by airlines to simulate emergency scenarios without the use of live actors. This will allow airlines to run multiple simulation under a variety of conditions which will save time and lower costs. The application can also be adapted and expanded to other industries.

Click Here to VIEW THE VRML PROJECT (Cabin View)

Click Here to VIEW THE VRML PROJECT (Outside Plane)


Can be Viewed in Cortona 3 D player [Download]

View of agents evacuating the plane
view inside the plane
—In the aircraft we used multiple point lights to illuminate the interior of the cabin.
—Emergency guide lines were added on either side of the aisles.
—VRML was used to add functionality to the virtual environment through the incorporation of:

— Touch Sensors


—Time Counter


View from outside  


—Modeling was done in 3D Studio Max
—Outer aircraft environment and aircraft model
—simple models downloaded from 3dviastudio.com were imported into 3ds Max
—Inner aircraft environment
—A model of the cross section of the interior of an aircraft as well as the passenger models were also downloaded from 3dviastudio.com
—Biped models were inserted into the passenger models to create the evacuation animations.


Virtual reality is important for this project because it simulates the evacuation of an airport, which can be used as a safety precaution by the airport. Also, it will save money on a real time simulation in an airport, because it would be infeasible to run the simulation during business hours.


  • Sharma, S., Otunba,S.,and Han, J., "Crowd Simulation in Emergency Aircraft Evacuation using Virtual Reality", Proceedings of IEEE, 16 th International Conference on Computer Games:  AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational & Serious Games, (CGAMES), Kentucky, USA, July 27-30, 2011.
  • Sharma, S. and Otunba,S., “Virtual Reality as a Theme-Based Game Tool for Homeland Security Applications”, Proceedings of ACM Military Modeling & Simulation Symposium (MMS11), Boston, MA, USA, April 4 - 7, 2011.
  • Sharma, S. and Shete, S., “Virtual City: A gaming tool for training and education”, Proceedings of ISCA 26th International Conference on Computers and their Applications, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 23-25, 2011.