DTSC 5565/DTSC 4565: Software Engineering for Data Scientists

Demo 1

This demo should show your interim accomplishments. The criteria in grading the demo will be the complexity and quality of the software product.

Project Deliverables
Iteration 1 Iteration 2
Proposal Report 1 Demo 1 Report 2 Demo 2

1.   Product Brochure
Each team should bring to the demo a one page advertisement providing basic descriptive information about the software product they are developing. The product brochure should include the group number and members’ names, project title, the list of features and short description of each feature, etc. Please keep in mind that this is a marketing brochure, not a technical document.

2.   Demo Format
The key part of the demo should be spent in demonstrating the software product. Create some user accounts before the demo, so you can use the existing accounts to demonstrate the system functionality.
The demo format is as follows:

  1. Describe product—who and what it is used for
  2. Show the features/functions that you implemented so far:
    1. Briefly describe what each function does
    2. Describe all Actors and Goals.
    3. Use case diagrams for all actors
    4. Demonstrate a scenario of how the user will use it
    5. During the demonstration, highlight important aspects, such as user interface design, etc.
  3. Show the Functional Requirements Specification, Nonfunctional Requirements, Domain Analysis, and User Interface Design sections from your report 1.
  4. Briefly outline your plan for the rest of the semester—what new features are you planning to have ready by the final demo.
  5. Describe how Key components of the project will be implemented in terms of Data Input, Archiving, Analysis, Display, and Unique Capability.

This is a technical demo of the product/software. Focus on important features of the system.

3.   Demo Schedule
The demo should last no more than 10 minutes. Make sure your demo is ready before the class starts.
NOTE: It is required that all group members must be present for the demo. Each member should talk.

4.   Grading
The demo will be graded as follows:




Functionality /
Task complexity


Emphasize the key functions of your system

Programming, not
webpage design


You must convince that programming is central to your
project development.
programming languages using: C, C++, Java, C#
dynamic websites and webpages using: PHP, JSP, JavaScript, etc.



Impress the audience

User Interface /
Ease of use


“Ease-of-use of the user interface”
should not be confused with a flashy interface.
“Ease-of-use” means that interface is easy to understand and operate



Demonstrate that you have invented at least something, some part
of your product, rather than plainly copying an existing idea.



1-page (can be front & back) to sell your product

