COSC 665: Software Engineering II

Spring Semester 2016 Course Information

Instructor: Dr. Sharad Sharma
Department of Computer Science
Bowie State University


CLASS HOURS:Thursday: 4:55 PM to 7:30PM, CSB 312
OFFICE HOURS: Thursday: 1:30PM to 4:55 or by appointment
OFFICE LOCATION: Computer Science Building Room 317


Mastering Software EngineeringIEEE Computer Society volunteer Natalia Juristo is developing a master’s program in software engineering.
Read more

Salaries for CS and Engineering Grads to Rise
Graduates with computer-related or engineering degrees can expect to see slightly higher starting salary offers.

Required Text

Bernd Bruegge, Allen H. Dutoit (2009), Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java, 3rd Edition, Publisher: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.  ISBN-10: 0136061257, ISBN-13: 978-0136061250


The course will cover software life-cycle models and different phases of the software development process. Object-oriented techniques are applicable. Students will have a group project on developing complex software systems.

Prerequisite: COSC 475 or COSC 565

Course Related Links

* Syllabus

* Project

* Research Paper


Weekly Time Schedule





Introduction to Software Engineering  


 Modeling with UML



Project Organization and Communication 

Project Proposal due


Requirements Elicitation 

Research Paper Assigned





Mid Term Exam



System Design: Decomposing the System



Spring Break



System Design: Addressing Design Goals

Research Paper due


Object Design: Reusing Pattern Solutions



Object Design: Code



Object Design: Specifying Interfaces  



Configuration Management



Group Project Presentations/ Demo

12-May Final Exam  





Paper Presentation Schedule

Date Paper Presentation Schedule




El-Attar, M.; Luqman, H.; Karpati, P.; Sindre, G.; Opdahl, A.L., "Extending the UML Statecharts Notation to Model Security Aspects," in Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on , vol.41, no.7, pp.661-690, July 1 2015
doi: 10.1109/TSE.2015.2396526 (Paul)

Martin Shepperd, David Bowes, and Tracy Hall, "Researcher Bias: The Use of Machine Learning in Software Defect Prediction,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 40, NO. 6, JUNE 2014 (Francis)


Henrik Leopold, Jan Mendling and Artem Polyvyanyy, "Supporting Process Model Validation through Natural Language Generation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 40, NO. 8, AUGUST 2014 (Chudi)


Thimbleby, H., "Safer User Interfaces: A Case Study in Improving Number Entry," in Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on , vol.41, no.7, pp.711-729, July 1 2015
doi: 10.1109/TSE.2014.2383396 (Paul2)

Soweon Yoon, Jianjiang Feng, and Anil K. Jain, " Altered Fingerprints: Analysis and Detection", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS (Francis 2)



Yepang Liu, Chang Xu, S.C. Cheung, and Jian L€u, "GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 40, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2014 (Chudi2)

4/7/2016 Zhenzhou Tian; Qinghua Zheng; Ting Liu; Ming Fan; Eryue Zhuang; Zijiang Yang, "Software Plagiarism Detection with Birthmarks Based on Dynamic Key Instruction Sequences," in Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on , vol.41, no.12, pp.1217-1235, Dec. 1 2015
doi: 10.1109/TSE.2015.2454508 (Paul3)
4/14/2016 iCloudAccess: Cost-Effective Streaming of Video Games from the Cloud With Low Latency,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 24, NO. 8, AUGUST 2014 (Franics 2)
4/21/2016 A Learning-Based Framework for Engineering Feature-Oriented Self-Adaptive Software Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 39, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2013 (Chudi3)



Research paper: Each student is expected to do a research paper on a topic as below

TOPICS will be assigned after the first week of the class.





Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

EVALUATION:  Following is the Evaluation system for the Final Grade.  Each assignment will be graded.  Students are responsible for completing them as scheduled.

  1. Assignments                       25%
  2. Presentations                     15%
  3. Mid-Term Exam                 20%
  4. Final Exam                          20%
  5. Final Project                        20%

Final Project, Mid-term and Final exams are mandatory. 


The assignments include research paper critiques

Paper review assignments:

For each paper, students should write a review answering each of the following questions:
1. What problems (with prior work or the lack thereof) were addressed or surveyed by the authors?
2. What solutions were proposed or surveyed by the authors?
3. What are the technical strengths and main contributions of the paper's proposed solutions?
4. What are the technical weaknesses of the paper's proposed solutions?
5. What suggestions do you have to improve upon the paper's ideas?

Paper Presentation:

On the day of your paper review, you should bring your review presentation, i.e., power point file (flash drive), to the class. In total 15 ~20 minutes each, including:
- Brief description of (1) introduction/idea; (2) method (experimental design, participants, apparatus, experiment procedure, data collection); (3) results; (4) discussion and/or conclusion; and (5) etc.
- What knowledge did you learn from the paper/work, e.g., anything you’ve never known before; which part of the work interests you most…

Research papers will be assigned to students to read, analyze and present to the class. Presentations will be structured as follows: