Programming Assignment 5
DUE at the starting of the class on 10/08/2007 (Monday)

The purpose of this assignment is to practice identifying parts of a class, to look at other authors Java code and see how they organize their classes. Also to get you started thinking about the final project.

1. Go to Java Boutique or other freely available source codes sites.
2. Find source code for an applet. (Applet written in Java 1.0 or 1.1, may get a "deprecated" warning when you compile it. Ignore the warning for this assignment.)
3. Format it according to the class style specifications.
4. Modify it in some way (add another function, another printout features, etc.).
5. Make at least 5 different changes to the program.
6. Add class hierarchy by including all the classes defined in the program
7. Be sure to give the original author credit

1. In your Header comment add original authors name and then your name as modified by.
2. Add URL link of the original source code.

8. On the hardcopy of your applet code:

1. Highlight the changes (not the style changes) you made in the code
2. Mark the changes or highlight them using a highlighter in the hardcopy.
3. Circle the instance variable declarations
4. Add comments at the starting of a class or a function and wherever appropriate. (class Style)
5. Put a rectangle around the method definitions

Hand in:
• Original source code
• Your modified source code with highlighted changes and comments.
• Hardcopy of the output initially and after your changes.