CTEC 396: Java Programming

Fall Semester 2008 Course Information
Dr. Sharad Sharma

Department of Computer Science

Bowie State University

E-MAIL: ssharma@bowiestate.edu

OFFICE HOURS: W: 1:55 PM – 4:55 PM, TH: 1:55 PM – 4:55 PM or by appointment
OFFICE LOCATION: Computer Science Building, Room 317

Required Text

Java Concepts, 5th Edition, Author: Cay S. Horstmann, San Jose State Univ., ISBN: 978-0-470-10555-9, Publisher: Wiley

Reference Book(s): Problem Solving With Java, by Elliot B. Koffman (Author), Ursula Wolz (Author), ISBN-10: 0201357437, ISBN-13: 978-0201357431, Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Course Related Links

* Syllabus
* Coding Style
* Assignments

Helpfull Links

Grading Criteria

Assignments/Homework 35%
Mid-term Exam. 20%
Project 25%
Final Exam. (Comprehensive) 20%

Programming assignment grading strategy
50% style - commenting, formatting, documentation, etc.
50% code - well designed, well written, running program that satisfies the program specifications

* There will be no make-ups for Mid-term Exam and Final Exam.
* Late submissions for assignments/homework: 10 marks will be deducted every day until submission.
* Any changes to the above will be posted on the course website.
* Exams are given in the class room during class time.
* Exams are closed notes, closed book, open mind.

Some Java Resources

  1. Sun's java page
  2. Sun Java products and APIs for downloading
  3. Sample code - from Sun
  4. Sample code - Java Boutique
  5. Sample code - J*ava On the Brain
  6. Sample code - Java Applet Rating Service AppletBank
  7. Sample code - free java applets by authors from around the world
  8. Sample code from Bodo's Lair
  9. Sample code - easy Java
  10. Sample code from O'Reilly's Java in a Nutshell 2nd Edition
  11. Troubleshooting your Java Applets on Unix with Netscape